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[en] KnowingMe&KnowingHim - My influences for art/life

Posted by Abelmon De on Friday, March 7, 2014, In : thoughts 
This post is a optional exercise for a Art History course by CalArts (via, but for me it is a pleasure!
So... Here is the top 10 (chronologically) of what influences me: my context for current works or interests in art, gaming and life...

(1) Family: where I found my first steps. They made me in many ways. I'm so gratefull. Always!

(2) My grandmother: an objective painter. My mother: a sensitive musician, who breaks every obstacle to live (in memoriam) and to search for light.

(3) ...

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[pt-br] Projetos e missões

Posted by Abelmon De on Monday, January 14, 2013, In : thoughts 
Agora, em Janeiro, irei para Brasília para estudar em um seminário e me preparar para missões durante 3 anos. Se Deus quiser, espero que seja um momento de aprendizagem em todos os sentidos. Deus tem me guiado e preparado minha mente e meu coração para isto. Até minha mãe antes de partir, chegou a me dizer para prosseguir com minha "missão". Não sei o que o futuro me reserva, mas tenho vários projetos. Continuarei como sempre dependendo da ajuda de Deus em tudo, principalmente agora.

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[pt-br] Últimas atualizações

Posted by Abelmon De on Sunday, November 4, 2012, In : thoughts 

Hoje (04/11), saiu uma matéria no ATARDE sobre o trabalho freelancer. Eu participei da matéria, pois estou há um ano, me dedicando a projetos freelancer relacionados à ilustração (storyboard), identidade visual, game design & development, enquanto pesquiso na área de games e teologia (em mestrado). A matéria está bacana, com informações úteis! Quero elogiar a repórter Edely Gomes pelo trabalho! Só lamento por eu não ter tirado do forno meu portifólio pessoal: .....
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[en] 2012 and the End of the World

Posted by Abelmon De on Saturday, May 26, 2012, In : thoughts 
Some days ago (25/05), I made a gadget. It is called "Gadget of World's End".

Gadgets or widgets are small app that you can embed in your site or blog. They supposed to display some useful information or keep some interaction with the audience.
Well, this gadget does one special thing: It shows the days left to the big event usually called "World's End"... You may think I'm kidding, but I'm not. The day was calculated according the years left to year 6.000 (in hebrew counting). 2012 is the year...
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[en] Art & Tech (in mission)

Posted by Abelmon De on Thursday, October 1, 2009, In : thoughts 
Think about it... What truly is more important for all humankind?... I think the most important thing for all of us is one single question: What is life for? What drives us in a first moment is a question. But, I believe that so many have found the answer. And  my next step is to spread this finding. The answer that I got worth expend my all life using all means to show it. This is so important that I'll use two means in it: Art & Tech.

If you got it... Follow me. All I do is driven by one pur...
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About Me

Working with computer science, usability issues (HCI), game design, visual arts, dramatics, creative process and theology.

[pt-br] Meu currículo acadêmico e profissional pode ser encontrado aqui.
[en] My academic and professional profile can be found here.

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